
Part intra-galactic adventure and part cautionary tale, Two Worlds is an inventive and thought-provoking journey of first contact and the rise and fall of two very different but eerily similar civilisations.
Five thousand years ago, a catastrophic war on planet Zi-ad nearly destroyed their world. Now, Zi-ad’s inhabitants restored their planet and are perfecting the hyperjump into 4D. Travelling the solar system searching for the rare element needed to fuel their next technological leap, they detect deposits deep underground in the Australian Outback.
They alight right in the backyard of a reclusive Vietnam veteran. He becomes the aliens’ reluctant “guest” aboard their spaceship, learning about their planet’s tragic history as they negotiate a trade agreement with Earth. Greed and power struggles run rampant. The Old Man comes to a startling realisation: Earth’s civilisation is hurtling towards a similar demise if they continue following in Zi-ad’s footsteps.
But while Earth may be its own worst enemy, another adversary lurks, and when two alien worlds collide, Earth and its inhabitants may never be the same again.

Australians love a good yarn, and no one tells one quite like an Aussie, which makes a Pocketbook of Aussie Yarns by Australian Roger Wakelin a standout that showcases the rich storytelling of a nation.
From stories of finding clarity in the outback pubs of Queensland to the unique experiences of travelling salesmen to tales of the mysteries and cruelty of war, this compelling collection of Australian folklore paints a vivid picture of old-style Australian culture in danger of being forgotten.
By turns funny and poignant, these entertaining short stories are the treasures of a nation honed by the resilience, fortitude, and humour necessary to life in the bush and outback.
Are they truth? Are they fiction? Gather round the virtual barbie and decide for yourself.

​Roger Wakelin spent four years in the military, including two years of active service in Asia. Twenty-six years of corporate life, international travel and a career managing independent projects gave him the motivation to write. The state of today’s world intrigues him, and he was determined to publish a novel intermingling fact with fiction and taking the reader on a journey that stimulates the mind and touches the soul.
Roger is a devoted skier and space enthusiast. He lives in Melbourne, Australia.